How To Learn Computer Programming in 4 Steps

Computer Programming is one of the in-demand skills that have the power to elevate your career. It's more advantageous if we observe it from different viewpoints. Though it's rumored that Steve Jobs didn't write a single line of code for any of Apple devices, he knew the importance of Programming.
Everyone should learn how to program a computer because it teaches how to think
- Steve Jobs
If you're seeking some advice about becoming proficient in programming by yourself, this guide is going to be very helpful to you. Before I walk you through the steps, I'd like to make known some most successful programmers because, in my opinion, motivation is the first step to taking action.

Successful Programmers

Certainly, you have heard about Bill Gates, owner of Microsoft, who revolutionized our computing experiences by introducing Windows and other software. He learned to program in the era when it was not as easy as it is today. Today, we have access to modern learning resources like the Internet.

Mark Zuckerburg is the second name in the industry, founder of Facebook. He discovered his interest in Programming at a very young age and by the age of nineteen, he had created the world's most popular social network. It would not have been possible if he hadn't acquired programming skills.

You can be the next victorious name in the field but this is not possible without continuous learning, months and years of smart work and continuity.

Having an incentive, let's move to the steps you need to follow to learn to code. In the next section, I'll list down some resource websites that teach programming for free or for a small fee. In the last section, I'll suggest some tips for an effective learning experience.

1. Learn The Fundamentals

In the first semester of Computer Science discipline, students are taught Programming Fundamentals as a major subject. The objective of this course is to introduce some basic concepts about writing programs using a High-Level Language like C or C++.

Fundamentals include the elements and techniques that all computer programs are built up of. Some of them are Variables, Loops, I/O Operations, Conditional Logic, Functions, etc.

Without having solid knowledge of these concepts, it's not wise to move forward. In fact, you'll not be able to understand advanced stuff without learning the Foundations.

2. Learn Object-Oriented Programming

As soon as you get your hands on the fundamentals, move to the well-known programming technique known as Object-Oriented Programming aka OOP. It makes programming Faster, Easier, Secure, and Efficient. Popular languages including Java and C++ support OOP.

Get familiar with the primary OOP features like Classes, Inheritance, etc. C++ is the language I would prefer for learning these concepts because once you have learned how it works in C++, it will be easier for you to implement it in any other OOP language like Java.

Now that you've followed the first two steps, you know at a basic level that how computers are programmed. Time to move forward towards some advanced steps.

3. Learn Data Structures

A data structure determines how the data is organized on the computer in the most efficient way possible so that it can be accessed, operated and modified whenever needed.

There are numerous types of data structures available. Examples include Arrays, Linked Lists, Queues, etc. All of them have their own benefits and drawbacks that you'll learn alongside.

It is one of the essential subjects that are taught in any course related to computer science. As you want to learn on your own, you can pick up a course from any of the websites I've mentioned in resources. The second option is to buy and study a book yourself.

4. Figure Out Your Specific Branch

Like doctors are divided into different branches, for instance, Surgeons, Radiologists, etc. So are the programmers. They are divided into a number of groups, some of them are Web programmers, Mobile developers, Desktop developers, etc.

Foundational concepts are almost same for every branch. So, now you can figure out what kind of programmer you want to be. After you've decided it, be specific in your learning.

For instance, you're determined to pursue web development. Now all you need to do is master languages that are used in web development like HTML, JavaScript, PHP, etc.

Handy Online Programming Resources

Some authentic websites that teach how to code.

w3schools (Free) is specific to Web Programming tutorials. What I like the most about it is how they explicate things in the simplest way that even beginners can comprehend.

Lynda ($20/month) is an awesome learning platform, owned by Linkedin. It costs some money on monthly basis but the quality video tutorials published by talented instructors are worth way more than that. They teach not only programming but other skills too, like Marketing, Photography, etc.

Stack OverFlow (Free): Throughout your learning process, sometimes, you may find yourself puzzling over a particular problem. In that case, you will need someone expert to help you. Stack OverFlow is the forum where you can post your issue and get suggestions from experienced mates.

YouTube (Free): Do I need to introduce it? I don't think so!

These were some websites that I've personally used but that's not all. The infographic below displays 10 more programming-related websites that can prove to be useful.

Online programming resources infographic

How To Learn Programming Effectively

In this section, I mention some effective learning tips derived from my experience.

1. One Language at a Time

Hundreds of languages are available for writing computer programs. Don't be too impatient and start learning more than one at a time. By doing so, you will end up jumbling them up in your mind. At the end of the day, you'll be skilled in none of them.

The point I'm trying to convey is, whichever the language you start practicing, just stick to it. Don't move to any other until you have ample theoretical understanding and practical experience of it.

2. Follow One Instructor

If I assign a job to program an ordinary calculator to a hundred different people. Probably all the programs will be much alike but no two of them will have identical codes on the back-end.

Newbies may ask why? Because there are a lot of ways to instruct the computer to perform a task and it's up to the programmer whether they choose one or the other. However, they differ in efficiency.

All resources mentioned above and the others will teach you the same concepts but each of them will have a unique way of teaching. You have to select one instructor and just follow him because if you leave one in the middle and start following the other, possibly you will get confused.

3. Start From The Beginning

Whichever course you pick out, its tutorials must be classified in a basics-to-advanced manner. Courses are structured in such a way that each tutorial requires you to have clear concepts of the preceding ones.

So, it turns out that if you skip a single lecture, you may not understand the lessons taught in the following lectures. Take a start from the beginning and keep moving forward consistently.

4. Practice Problems

Programming is all about puzzling out solutions to different kinds of problems. For a very basic example, you are given a task to figure out all even numbers from a provided range. It's a simple problem that can be solved in any programming language like C++.

In your programming career, you are going to face way more complex problems that require hours and hours of thinking and making algorithms before writing a single line of code. So, if you don't learn to solve basic problems in your learning phase, you won't be able to work on the complicated ones.

5. Review Others' Code

This technique won't work if you don't know even the ABC of coding but once you become familiar with the basics, it will prove to be an interesting way of learning to write programs.

What you have to do is find some open source software from a place like GitHub, study them thoroughly to find out how they're actually working. This will teach you what the videos you watch on YouTube or any other platform, can't.

6. Be Consistent

Consistency is the distinction that most people fail to comply with when they start making efforts for something. In the case of Programming, you may not want to learn a lot every single day. Even 30 minutes a day would be enough if you do it with consistency.

So, these were some suggestions that I thought would be helpful for you. Now, I'd like to know your views about it in the comments section.

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Dr. Puchki: How To Learn Computer Programming in 4 Steps
How To Learn Computer Programming in 4 Steps
A beginner's four-step guide for those who are willing to learn programming without a college degree. A list of resource websites and some tips for effective learning inspired by author's experience are also mentioned.
Dr. Puchki
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